Source code for

# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import warnings
from typing import (

import cachetools
import numpy
from import CRS as _CRS
from pyproj.enums import WktVersion
from pyproj.exceptions import CRSError
from pyproj.transformer import Transformer

from .types import XY, Unset


class CRSLike(Protocol):
    """CRS Like object."""

    def to_wkt(self, *args, **kw) -> str: ...

_crs_cache: Dict[Hashable, Tuple[_CRS, str, Optional[int]]] = {}

def _make_crs_key(crs_spec: Union[int, str, Hashable, CRSLike]) -> Hashable:
    if isinstance(crs_spec, str):
        normed_epsg = crs_spec.upper()
        if normed_epsg.startswith("EPSG:"):
            return normed_epsg
        return crs_spec
    if isinstance(crs_spec, int):
        return f"EPSG:{crs_spec}"
    if isinstance(crs_spec, Hashable):
        return crs_spec

    return crs_spec.to_wkt()

@cachetools.cached(_crs_cache, key=_make_crs_key)
def _make_crs(
    crs_spec: Union[str, int, _CRS, CRSLike]
) -> Tuple[_CRS, str, Optional[int]]:
    epsg = EPSG_UNSET
    if isinstance(crs_spec, str):
        crs = _CRS.from_user_input(crs_spec)
    elif isinstance(crs_spec, int):
        epsg = crs_spec
        crs = _CRS.from_epsg(crs_spec)
    elif isinstance(crs_spec, _CRS):
        crs = crs_spec
        crs = _CRS.from_wkt(crs_spec.to_wkt())

    crs_str = str(crs)
    crs_str_u = crs_str.upper()
    if crs_str_u.startswith("EPSG:"):
        crs_str = crs_str_u
        epsg = int(crs_str.split(":", 1)[1])

    return (crs, crs_str, epsg)

def _make_crs_transform_key(from_crs, to_crs, always_xy):
    return (id(from_crs), id(to_crs), always_xy)

@cachetools.cached({}, key=_make_crs_transform_key)
def _make_crs_transform(from_crs: _CRS, to_crs: _CRS, always_xy: bool) -> Transformer:
    return Transformer.from_crs(from_crs, to_crs, always_xy=always_xy)

[docs] class CRS: """ Wrapper around :py:class:`` for backwards compatibility. """ DEFAULT_WKT_VERSION = WktVersion.WKT2_2019 """Default version for WKT: WKT2_2019""" __slots__ = ("_crs", "_epsg", "_str")
[docs] def __init__(self, crs_spec: Any): """ Construct CRS object from *something*. :param crs_spec: String representation of a CRS, often an EPSG code like ``'EPSG:4326'``. Can also be any object that implements ``.to_epsg()`` or ``.to_wkt()``. :raises: :py:class:`pyproj.exceptions.CRSError` """ if isinstance(crs_spec, (str, int, _CRS)): self._crs, self._str, self._epsg = _make_crs(crs_spec) elif isinstance(crs_spec, CRS): self._crs = crs_spec._crs self._epsg = crs_spec._epsg self._str = crs_spec._str elif isinstance(crs_spec, dict): self._crs, self._str, self._epsg = _make_crs(_CRS.from_dict(crs_spec)) elif hasattr(crs_spec, "to_wkt"): self._crs, self._str, self._epsg = _make_crs(crs_spec) else: raise CRSError(f"Unexpected input encountered: {crs_spec}")
def __getstate__(self): return {"crs_str": self._str} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(state["crs_str"])
[docs] def to_wkt(self, pretty: bool = False, version: Optional[WktVersion] = None) -> str: """ Generate WKT representation of this CRS. :param pretty: If ``True`` generate multi-line WKT. :param version: Specify WKT version. """ if version is None: version = self.DEFAULT_WKT_VERSION return self._crs.to_wkt(pretty=pretty, version=version)
@property def wkt(self) -> str: """WKT representation of this CRS.""" return self.to_wkt()
[docs] def to_epsg(self) -> Optional[int]: """ EPSG Code of the CRS or ``None``. """ if self._epsg == EPSG_UNSET: self._epsg = self._crs.to_epsg() return self._epsg
@property def epsg(self) -> Optional[int]: """ EPSG Code of the CRS or ``None``. """ return self.to_epsg() @property def semi_major_axis(self): """Semi-major axis of the ellipsoid.""" return self._crs.ellipsoid.semi_major_metre @property def semi_minor_axis(self): """Semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid.""" return self._crs.ellipsoid.semi_minor_metre @property def inverse_flattening(self): """Inverse flattening of the ellipsoid.""" return self._crs.ellipsoid.inverse_flattening @property def geographic(self) -> bool: """True if CRS is geographic.""" return self._crs.is_geographic @property def projected(self) -> bool: """True if CRS is projected.""" return self._crs.is_projected @property def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ List of dimension names of the CRS. The ordering of the names is intended to reflect the :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` axis order of the loaded raster. """ if self.geographic: return "latitude", "longitude" if self.projected: return "y", "x" raise ValueError("Neither projected nor geographic") # pragma: no cover @property def units(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ List of dimension units of the CRS. The ordering of the units is intended to reflect the :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` axis order of the loaded raster. """ if self.geographic: return "degrees_north", "degrees_east" if self.projected: _dir_renames = {"north": "y", "south": "y", "east": "x", "west": "x"} units = { _dir_renames.get(ax.direction, ax.direction): ax.unit_name for ax in self._crs.axis_info } return units.get("y", ""), units.get("x", "") raise ValueError("Neither projected nor geographic") # pragma: no cover @property def authority(self) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, int]]: """ Get ``(authority_name, code)`` tuple. :returns: ``("", "")`` when not available """ if self._epsg: return ("EPSG", self._epsg) if (r := self._crs.to_authority()) is not None: name, code = r try: return (name, int(code)) except ValueError: # pragma: nocover return (name, code) return ("", "") def __str__(self) -> str: return self._str def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._str) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"CRS('{self._str}')" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, CRS): try: other = CRS(other) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return False if self._crs is other._crs: return True if self._epsg and other._epsg: return self._epsg == other._epsg if self._str == other._str: return True return self._crs == other._crs def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not self == other @property def proj(self) -> _CRS: """Access :py:class:`` object that this wraps.""" return self._crs @property def valid_region(self) -> Optional["geom.Geometry"]: """ Return valid region of this CRS. :returns: Bounding box in Lon/Lat as a 4 point Polygon in EPSG:4326. :returns: ``None`` if valid region is not defined for this CRS """ from . import geom # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel aou = self._crs.area_of_use if aou is None: return None return, aou.south, aou.east, aou.north, "EPSG:4326") @property def crs_str(self) -> str: """DEPRECATED""" warnings.warn( "Please use `str(crs)` instead of `crs.crs_str`", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return self._str
[docs] def transformer_to_crs( self, other: "CRS", always_xy: bool = True ) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Tuple[Any, Any]]: """ Build coordinate transformer to other projection. Returns a function that maps ``x, y -> x', y'`` where ``x, y`` are coordinates in this CRS, stored either as scalars or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` objects, and ``x', y'`` are the same points in the ``other`` CRS. :param other: Destination CRS :param always_xy: If true, the transform method will accept as input and return as output coordinates using the traditional GIS order, that is longitude, latitude for geographic CRS and easting, northing for most projected CRS. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access tr = _make_crs_transform(self._crs, other._crs, always_xy=always_xy) def result(x, y, **kw): rx, ry = tr.transform(x, y, **kw) # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence if not isinstance(rx, numpy.ndarray) or not isinstance(ry, numpy.ndarray): return (rx, ry) missing = numpy.isnan(rx) | numpy.isnan(ry) rx[missing] = numpy.nan ry[missing] = numpy.nan return (rx, ry) return result
def __dask_tokenize__(self): return ("", str(self))
[docs] @staticmethod def utm( x: Union[float, int, XY[float], "geom.Geometry", "geom.BoundingBox"], y: Optional[float] = None, /, datum_name: str = "WGS 84", ) -> "CRS": """ Construct appropriate UTM CRS for a given point. Uses CRS database query methods from :py:mod:`pyproj` to locate appropriate UTM CRS. :params datum_name: The name of the datum in the CRS name ('NAD27', 'NAD83', 'WGS 84', ...) """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,no-name-in-module from pyproj.database import query_utm_crs_info from . import geom if isinstance(x, geom.BoundingBox): _bbox = x elif isinstance(x, geom.Geometry): if is not None: _bbox = x.to_crs("epsg:4326").boundingbox else: # assume already in lon/lat _bbox = x.boundingbox elif isinstance(x, (float, int)): if y is None: y = 0.0 _bbox = geom.BoundingBox(x, y, x, y) else: x, y = x.xy _bbox = geom.BoundingBox(x, y, x, y) return _pick_best_crs( _bbox.polygon, [ CRS(f"{info.auth_name}:{info.code}") for info in query_utm_crs_info( datum_name=datum_name, area_of_interest=_bbox.aoi, ) ], )
[docs] class CRSMismatchError(ValueError): """ CRS Mismatch Error. Raised when geometry operation is attempted on geometries in different coordinate references. """
SomeCRS = Union[str, int, CRS, _CRS, Dict[str, Any]] MaybeCRS = Union[SomeCRS, Unset, None] # fmt: off @overload def norm_crs(crs: SomeCRS) -> CRS: ... @overload def norm_crs(crs: SomeCRS, ctx: Any) -> CRS: ... @overload def norm_crs(crs: Union[None, Unset]) -> None: ... @overload def norm_crs(crs: Union[None, Unset], ctx: Any) -> None: ... # fmt: on
[docs] def norm_crs(crs: MaybeCRS, ctx=None) -> Optional[CRS]: """Normalise CRS representation.""" if isinstance(crs, CRS): return crs if crs is None or isinstance(crs, Unset): return None if isinstance(crs, str): _txt = crs.lower() if _txt.startswith("utm"): assert ctx is not None utm_crs = CRS.utm(ctx) if _txt == "utm": return utm_crs utm_zone = utm_crs.proj.utm_zone epsg = utm_crs.epsg assert utm_zone is not None assert epsg is not None if _txt == "utm-n" and utm_zone.endswith("S"): utm_crs = CRS(epsg - 100) elif _txt == "utm-s" and utm_zone.endswith("N"): utm_crs = CRS(epsg + 100) return utm_crs return CRS(crs)
[docs] def norm_crs_or_error(crs: MaybeCRS, ctx=None) -> CRS: """Normalise CRS representation, raise error if input is ``None``.""" _crs = norm_crs(crs, ctx=ctx) if _crs is None: raise ValueError("Expect valid CRS") return _crs
[docs] def crs_units_per_degree( crs: SomeCRS, lon: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]], lat: float = 0, step: float = 0.1, ) -> float: """ Helper method for converting resolution between meters/degrees. Compute number of CRS units per degree for a projected CRS at a given location in lon/lat. Location can be supplied as a tuple or as two arguments. :param crs: CRS :param lon: Either longitude or ``(lon, lat)`` tuple :param lat: Latitude or ignored if ``lon`` was a tuple :param step: Length of the segment in degrees used to estimate relative scale change :returns: A floating number ``S`` such that ``S*degrees -> meters`` """ from . import geom # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if isinstance(lon, tuple): lon, lat = lon lon2 = lon + step if lon2 > 180: lon2 = lon - step ll = geom.line([(lon, lat), (lon2, lat)], "EPSG:4326") xy = ll.to_crs(crs) return xy.length / step
def _pick_best_crs(poly: "geom.Geometry", crs_candidates: List[CRS]) -> CRS: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from . import geom def overlap_pct(crs: CRS) -> float: crs_region = crs.valid_region if crs_region is None: return 1 # pragma: nocover return (crs_region & poly).area / poly.area if len(crs_candidates) < 1: raise ValueError("No candidate CRSs found") if len(crs_candidates) > 1 and poly.area > 1e-9: if is None: poly = geom.Geometry(poly.geom, "epsg:4326") crs_candidates = sorted(crs_candidates, key=overlap_pct, reverse=True) return crs_candidates[0] if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import geom # pragma: no cover